Events & Appearances — Scott Kelly


  • saturday, October 27: austin, TX

    12:30 p.m. Texas Book Festival, House Chamber, State Capitol Building, 1100 Congress Ave, Austin, TX. More information here.

  • Sunday, October 28: HOUSTON, TX

     5:00 p.m. Brazos Bookstore, 2421 Bissonnet St., Houston, TX 77005. Signing. Free to attend.

  • Thursday, November 1: COLUMBUS, OH

     7:00 p.m. Thurber House, 77 Jefferson Ave., Columbus, OH 73215. In conversation with Greg Brown, Experience Coordinator at Armstrong Air and Space Museum. Tickets available here.

  • Saturday, November 3: WASHINGTON, DC

    7:00 p.m. Smithsonian/National Portrait Gallery, McEvoy Auditorium, 8th and G Streets NW, Washington, D.C. 20001. Tickets available here. (**Note Updated Location as of 10/29/18)

  • Sunday, November 4: PORTSMOUTH, NH

    7:00 p.m. The Music Hall, 131 Congress St., Portsmouth, NH 03801. Tickets available here.

  • Monday, November 5: NEW YORK, NY

    7:30 p.m. American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West and 81st St., New York, NY 10024.
    In conversation with John Longsdon. Tickets available here.


    6:00 p.m. Philadelphia World Affairs Council at the Franklin Institute, 222 N. 20th St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.
    In conversation with Derrick Pitts and Craig Snyder. Tickets available here.

For speaking events & appearances requests, contact Keppler Speakers online or call (703) 516-4000.